Kim Oki's "Strange, true beauty" is powerful, melancholic jazz

Kim Oki

Strange, true beauty

BTP, 2021.



Review by Roya Arlisa (@royaarlisa)

Strange, true beauty is one of two incredible albums released this year by experimental jazz saxophonist and clarinettist Kim Oki.

At its most fundamental level, this album pushes the boundaries of stripped-down jazz. It blends the lines between harmony, melody, and rhythm. In some moments, listeners are swept away by easy-flowing sounds, while at others, sporadic skull-piercing notes challenge the ears and are all-consuming. Mesmerizing textures, energetic riffs, and complex chord progressions are within these ten tracks. All while a mellow undertone runs consistently throughout. Altogether the album is fascinating and worthy of discovery.

Kim Oki's ability is on full display as his focus on detail and passion is expressed through his arrangement. Intricate compositions are juxtaposed with the album's lack of structure, creating a lustrous mixture that is mentally engaging and utterly captivating.

Strange, true beauty is better understood heard than explained. The album is an astonishing and enticing fusion of modern, urban, avant-garde jazz compositions with a hint of blues. Candidly made without constraints, it defines a pure musical expression that conveys deep feelings eloquently. The sounds are entirely rich and stimulating.


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