myKOREA with DIAZABLE APPAREL's Matthew Gamble

As part of our myKOREA series, we’ll be asking someone on the local scene to share their journey through Korean culture by naming their favourite musicians, movies, and artists. We’ll also be asking them to tell us about one more thing of their choosing.

Top bloke Matthew Gamble, aka DIAZABLE APPAREL, is an alternative clothes designer living in Seoul. His graphic work ranges from the cute and playful to the unsettling, with his staple baby character becoming a bit of a local icon. He is also increasingly becoming a big part of the local art community thanks to his involvement in the HECHYEOMOYEO project.

You can follow Matthew here, follow DIAZABLE DESIGN here, and follow HECHYEOMOYEO here.


I want to shine a spotlight on the Korean hardcore scene because I feel like it does not get the recognition it deserves.

One of the hardest, and one of my favourite bands, is No Shelter. They play a simple style of hardcore that just rips and is dumb heavy.  I love hard-core music. I love moshing and stage diving, and this type of music always felt like the most genuine and rawest music out there.

These guys have always been nice to me and always bring their A game to every show. Check out their songs Karma Kills,  Dad, and Hang Yourself.

Movie: A TAXI DRIVER (2017)

This is one of the few Korean movies that I felt like I can really connect with, because it has a lot of sentimental value for me. It was the first Korean movie I watched by myself in the theatre that I fully understood, with no English subtitles.

I am half Korean and never really learned Korean growing up. I was a lazy and bad son, lol. Learning Korean was one of the major reasons why I moved here. Being able to watch it and then talk about it with my mom in Korean later just always makes me smile. Also, the story of the Gwangju riots was new to me, so learning about it in Korea left a huge impression on me.

Honourable mention: Mr Housewife (2005) (미스터 주부퀴즈왕) This movie is legit my favourite Korean movie because it’s really simple and fun. It’s the perfect mix of funny and not too cheezy. Just a good, wholesome film.


Seoyoung Park is a close friend I have come to know in the past few months. She's still a young talent who has her whole future ahead of her, and I would love to see more people know her work. She does these surreal-like pieces that are very dreamy, oddly detailed, and have a weird happiness, fun sandiness, and dark feel to them. All her work really invokes deep feelings in you when you look at it. Her use of colors and mixing of colors is phenomenal. Also, she has a great taste in music and knows how to choose music that complements her art.


myKOREA with Christian “이수” Mata


The Music That Made Me - Kisnue